Saturday, December 26, 2009
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I was looking for stuff to do in my room
(go away, undone homework.)

& then I saw his picture on my shelf.

If it wasn't a picture of so many other people too,
I would have kept it away.

I remember how he was like,
Before it happened,
before this year happened.

He looked so young then,
he was so much nicer.

I liked him better when he was younger.

I wish he didn't have to grow up,
at least not into the person he is now.

I miss the person he used to be,
and it hurts to see his face in my room everyday,
but I know I can never get the guy I spent the longest time with back.

So that picture is just a reminder of how he used to be.

Funny how all our troubles started on the same day we took that picture.

I'm sorry.

Huh, Korean drama. Sorry :)
I hate real-life love story dramas.
I have no use for them,
but it's sad, ya know :)

What would I do without my buddies <3

Guys come and go but my girls will always be in my heart. My monsters. :)